A few eye-catching brands from 2021

We’re in the last days of December, the time when we all look back on the past year, so we decided it was time for us to delve into the trademarks register to see what unusual or notable trademarks were submitted in 2021. The European Trademarks Office also revealed a few interesting examples.

We’re in the last days of December, the time when we all look back on the past year, so we decided it was time for us to delve into the trademarks register to see what unusual or notable trademarks were submitted in 2021. The European Trademarks Office also revealed a few interesting examples.

The first brand that struck us was KAKKMADDAFAKKA. What on earth could this trademark be describing? It turns out KAKKMADDAFAKKA is a Norwegian band that is very popular on the concert circuit, and which has performed several times in the Netherlands. The more original a name, the more it will stand out, something that is particularly important for a band. Well, KAKKMADDAFAKKA certainly passed that test with flying colours.

Another trademark that caught our attention was TUTATUT, a bed linen brand. But is a name that sounds like an ambulance really something you would associate with a peaceful night? The brand IWNQZTHA for household appliances sounds more like a password than a trademark. Maybe they thought the more abstract the name the better, but it’s possible that they took this idea just a bit too far.

We also noticed clothing brands like SOLD-OUT, No Perfect and Unreliable. Hmm, they’re not exactly selling this are they?

Another striking name was for a brand selling fragrance products under the name THE GOOD SHIT.

But at last we came across a brand called THE WORLD NEEDS A HUG, and we couldn’t agree more right now!


Walking in Squid Game’s footsteps


Charity and Trademark Law