EUIPO 2022 Draft Trademark & Designs Guidelines: revisions and updates

177.000. That is the number of trademark applications that the European Trademark and Design Office (EUIPO) received last year.

Each and everyone of these applications must be checked, to ensure they meet the formal and legal requirements. Just as all opposition and invalidity proceedings must be monitored and decided upon.

The Trademark and Design Guidelines are revised and updated regularly. The draft guidelines of the 2022 edition are now available online for comments and suggestions from stakeholders.

As always, we have reviewed the draft guidelines. We have summarized a few items and proposed alterations that might interest you as a trademark holder. Some proposed changes regard specific branches, others may appeal to all trademark owners, i.e. the new chapters, explanations and examples concerning the so-called ‘new types of marks’, e.g. position marks, pattern marks, color combination marks, multimedia marks, hologram marks and motion marks.

It's all in our whitepaper.


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