New website & look and feel

We would like to share some good news with you about Knijff Trademark Attorneys: not only have we joined forces with Onel trademarks, we also have a new corporate identity and our new website went live today.

Until today, Onel trademarks was the leading Dutch trademark agency for SMEs. Onel was also our sister company, and has been part of the Knijff Group for the last 18 years. In recent years, Onel has grown closer to Knijff Trademark Attorneys in terms of its clients and the services it provides, and for that reason, the partners of both offices decided to join forces.

We have taken the opportunity of these changes to also give our corporate identity and website a complete overhaul and our new website is now live at

If you want to stay informed about the latest trademark conflicts or remarkable trademark applications, follow us on Linkedin!


Watch out! Superman is watching


Night Noodle Naming No-No!