The power of branding

The power of 'branding' is obvious. Famous brands send out a message.

A message of what they sell, what they are, and what they stand for. These messages are often taking shape in the form of a brand name, a logo or even a specific colour combination.

To see if a brand is still recognizable when you use it on a eniterly different product, the company Norte Branding has has "rebranded" some products with a famous counterpart.

They have played with the images that we all have in the head of these famous brands. If we think of Marlboro, Heinz, Nescafé or Red bull, we all think of its usual packaging, its ususal product. But is its branding so powerful that it can go beyond the physical and function equally, even if we change its base? What do you think?


TikTok, BALR and Pierre Cardin


Last Christmas (party)