
Belgian rock phenomenon Hooverphonic was founded in 1995 and boasts an international reputation. Their band name was inspired by the sound of their music. It’s very important for them to rise above the rest and be unique.

Where does your name come from?

A friend of Alex Callier once said after hearing some tracks: “It reminds me of the sound of a vacuum cleaner. It’s like the music sucks me into another universe.” So we thought of ‘Hoover’. When we found out later that there were two bands of that name already, we changed it to ‘Hooverphonic’. We wanted to be the only ones with this name.

Why did you protect your band name?

We want to be and stay unique. We want it to be only band that pops up on Google when you search our name. In this highly standardised world, it’s very important for us to rise above the rest and be unique. Also, we want to be able to take action in case of counterfeit merchandise for instance. That’s why we wanted to protect the name ‘Hooverphonic’.

Knijff, specialized in brand protection for the music scene, registered the trademark HOOVERPHONIC.


Sander van Doorn
