Corina Post
“My experience in the industry helps me understand what clients need.”
Corina Post is not easily ruffled. An easy-going, unflummoxed problem solver, she is the perfect sparring partner. After honing her skills in the pharmaceutical industry, she joined Knijff a few years ago. Corina mostly manages large projects and has extensive experience in trademark clearance. “I use my experience dealing with Knijff’s pharmaceutical clients. I had to get used to being on the other side of the table, but my years of experience in the industry have given me a really good understanding of what the client wants and what their interests are.”
She not only works with clients in the pharmaceutical industry, however. “The great thing about working for a trademark agency is the diversity of the problems you need to address to serve the client’s interests the best you can.”
About Corina
Specialising in IP
Personal advice
Corina Post //
Trademark Attorney