Kalvin Clein

Sometimes counterfeit should be art, Jan-Dirk van der Burg must have thought. The Dutch photographer collected eleven items of counterfeit Calvin Klein underwear from all over the world, and made an impressive photo collection.

The photos are set up as an actual Calvin Klein advertising campaign: black and white photos of muscular men in underwear. However, when you take a better look at the waistband, it says Calven Kliem, Kalvi Klan, Calven Klain, Galvin Klain, and many, many more misspelled versions of the famous brand.

Although it is against our profession to glorify counterfeit, this is kinda cool though! Thumbs up for Van der Burg, all in the name of art. You can buy his book - Calvin Klein - The Dyslexic Collection - here.


Important news - European trademark law changes